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  • Visit us on our homepage
  • Call us at +49 621 833 23 800
  • Write an email
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  • Choose the link „Contact“ below
  • or directly meet one of our colleagues at fairs, seminars, conventions or other events

No matter which way of contacting us you choose, ProJustitia guarantees a prompt reaction to your request and a quick feedback.

Expert Search

The law firms within our network are mentioned as one of the most outstanding ones by worldwide leading legal directories. They have all a reputation for excellence, professional experience as well as prominence within the legal community. All of them are providing their clients high-quality legal services in diverse practice areas with highly rated lawyers.

Are you looking for an excellent international legal partner, who is also represented in your local jurisdiction? So please do not hesitate to contact us at or +49 621 833 23 800.

Chambers in our network

The law firms within our network are mentioned as one of the most outstanding ones by worldwide leading legal directories. They have all a reputation for excellence, professional experience as well as prominence within the legal community. All of them are providing their clients high-quality legal services in diverse practice areas with highly rated lawyers.

Are you looking for an excellent international legal partner, who / which is also represented in your local jurisdiction? So please do not hesitate to contact us at or +49 621 833 23 800.

Our lawyers

Are you looking for an excellent international legal partner, who / which is also represented in your local jurisdiction? So please do not hesitate to contact us at or +49 621 833 23 800.